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Netherlands3D offers support for importing GeoJSON data.


  • Currently only GeoJSON files are supported. The default file extensions are .json or .geojson. In case custom file types should be supported, these can be added in the FileOpen script (to allow selection of other file types) and in the FileTypeAdapter (to process the opened file).
  • The GeoJSON parsing is spread over multiple frames, (default is max 0.01s of parsing per frame) as to not freeze the application when importing large files. This duration can be changed by changing the variable maxParseDuration in GeoJSONLayer.cs
  • GeoJSON features of type Polygon, MultiPolygon, LineString, MultiLineString, Point, and MultiPoint are supported.
  • GeoJSON coordinates are passed to the eu.netherlands3d.coordinates package using the parsed CRS in order to convert them to Unity coordinates (see also the section on limitations for CRS limitations). A CRS object of type Linked CRS is currently not supported
  • A material can be assigned to the GeoJSONLayer that determines the appearance of the visualization.
  • An event is invoked when parsing fails, to allow for display of error messages on screen.
  • GeoJSON files can be uploaded and embedded in the NL3D Project as assets
  • URLs pointing to GeoJSON files -such as will be added as a remote url so that they are reloaded every time a project opens


The GeoJSON support currently has the following limitations:

  • A LinkedCRS object is parsed correctly in the GeoJSONLayer, however it is currently not interpreted to provide a valid input for the visualization through the eu.netherlands3d.coordinates package.
  • All features of the Type Polygon and MultiPolygon are combined to form 1 layer in the application
  • All features of the Type LineString and MultiLineString are combined to form 1 layer in the application
  • All features of the Type Point and MultiPoint are combined to form 1 layer in the application